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Our Team

An Executive Committee is elected annually by the Members, with responsibility for overall policy and strategic management of the Eisteddfod as a whole. It comprises a President, one or two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a number of other members. The current office-holders are detailed below.


The Board

President: Syliva Tulloch

Vice-President: Janetta McRae

Secretary: Janette Humphrey

Treasurer: Amy Sleeman


Board members: Cathy Cleary, Peter Smith & Event Directors

Vacant Positions

Marketing Manager – Contact us for expressions of interest.

Life Members

The National Eisteddfod has awarded life membership to the following, in grateful acknowledgement of their long service and significant contributions.

Dianne Anderson AM

Judith Bauer OAM

Paul Barsdell

Janet Bedloe

Simon Best

Julia Butler

Alan Christie

Fay Cull

Dorothy Dashwood OAM

Angela Finnegan OAM

Ben Green

Janelle MacDonald

Norma MacKay

Di Miley

Margaret Minnis

Robbie Robson

Gwynneth Rowe

Gavin Tulloch

Sylvia Tulloch AM

Brian White

Event Directors


Bands & Orchestras:  Simon Best, Ben Green, Paul Barsdell

Choirs: Vacant

Piano: Di Miley

Singing: Janetta McRae and Peter Smith

Speech and Drama: Sylvia Tulloch AM


All sponsors are automatically granted membership of the Eisteddfod.

Affiliate Members

Competitors are automatically Affiliate Members of the Society and are entitled to free admission to the event Sessions in which they are entrants.

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